As part of our service to you, we follow Medicare guidelines in replacing filters, inserts and tubing on your machine, as well as the mask that you have chosen. Medicare and most other insurances will cover these items at 80% after the client deductible has been met. If you have two insurances, the supplies are covered at 100% after the deductible has been met.
Most insurance companies follow these guidelines for replacement. If your insurance company does not participate in updating your supplies on a regular basis, we will let you know and give you the option to purchase supplies when they are needed.
Covered Supplies
If your insurance company does participate, the following supplies will be sent to you using this schedule:
-Tubing and Filters: monthly
-Mask Inserts (nasal or full face): monthly
-New Mask: every 3 months
-Headgear: every 6 months
-Water chamber (if applicable): every 6 months
-New machine: every 5 years (with a physician’s order: initiated by client)
When you get the new supplies in the mail, please discard the old ones and replace them to avoid the risk of infection.
We look forward to working with you to keep your machine functioning properly and to keep you resting comfortably.